Learn the Most Effective Ways to Kill Coronavirus in Your Home

Many different cleaning supplies, including alcohol, may be effective against the Coronavirus according to experts. In the article “The Most Effective Ways to Kill Coronavirus in your Home” by Robert Predit he spoke with Siobain Duffy, an associate professor of ecology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., with expertise in emerging viruses and Donald Schaffner, a professor and food microbiologist at Rutgers.

Many forms of alcohol kill germs. You can dilute alcohol with water (or aloe vera to make hand sanitizer) but be sure to keep an alcohol concentration of around 70% to kill coronaviruses, said Duffy and Schaffner. Solutions of 70% alcohol should be left on surfaces for 30 seconds (including cellphones) to ensure they will kill viruses before being wiped off.

However, pure (100%) alcohol evaporates too quickly for this use so it’s important to dilute it with distilled water to get to a 70% solution. You can make your own solutions by buying isopropyl alcohol, 190 proof ethyl alcohol (ethanol) or 200 proof ethyl alcohol (ethanol), diluting to the appropriate percentage with distilled water and store it in a tightly-sealed household spray bottle for easy use.

Unlike bleach solutions, alcohol solutions will remain potent as long as they're kept sealed between uses. Additionally, alcohol products that are at least 70 percent alcohol will kill the coronavirus with less potential for damage than bleach according to an article posted on NBC News.

This solution only works to disinfect surfaces and should not be ingested. You can use this on your hands but they can start getting dry with extended use so using a moisturizing to prevent cracking is a good practice. Also if hands are visibly dirty use soap and water as it’s believed that visible dirt and grease could interfere with effectiveness.



Disclaimer: The information provided is general education and should not be taken as medical advice.