Due to an influx in demand nationwide for isopropyl, as of now, orders can take 1 week to fulfill.
5 Gallons of Pure ISO 99.8% is the best quality isopropyl alcohol available. We cut out the middle man to supply directly to you.
Can be used as a thinner for most fluxes
Safe on plastics & Non-corrosive
Rapidly evaporating Zero residue
Non-ozone depleting EPA SNAP approved
High purity with no particles, metals, or trace organic content.
Product, bottle, and packaging 100% MADE IN USA
- Can be used to make hand sanitizer as well as to clean surfaces and clean bacteria off the skin
Due to an influx in demand nationwide for isopropyl, orders can take up to 3 weeks. We will be filling orders as soon as possible based on available inventory and orders will be fulfilled in the order they came in. Orders are shipped via FedEx and you will be able to track your shipment. We do not have a pickup option. Any questions please email purealcoholsolutions@gmail.com.
Do It Yourself Hand Sanitizer Recipe (DIY)
There are a lot of recipes about how to make your own hand sanitizer at home. One recipe on ThoughtCo.com, written by chemistry expert Anne Marie Helmenstine, requires two ingredients: 99% isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel.
Go to recipe: https://purealcoholsolutions.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-your-own-hand-sanitizer-with-99-isopropyl-alcohol
It’s important to note Hand Sanitizer has to be at least 60% alcohol to effectively kill germs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you are not using 99% isopropyl alcohol you will need to change the ratio and use more alcohol.
99% isopropyl alcohol can also be used to clean surfaces and clean bacteria off of skin. It can also be used to help prevent infection from minor surface wounds like scrapes and cuts but it should never be used to clean deep open wounds.
Disclaimer: The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice.